Solution to low and inconsistent water pressure

If your shower sputters when the faucet is on or takes longer to fill water in the washing machine if any other water source is on, that might be due to inconsistent water pressure. In that case, to solve those issues, a constant pressure water system can be used.


Though as a source of water, private wells are great, they might not be that efficient in terms of water pressure. Generally, a specific PSI setting is applied for private wells, which is mostly 40/60 PSI. When the pressure reaches 40 PSI pump turns on, and at a specific speed, water starts to get pumped in the pressure tank. When the pressure rises to 60 PSI, the pressure tank turns off.


When water is being consumed, the pump starts again only when the pressure drops to 40 PSI. So when you use two or more water sources together, there is a pressure drop, and one of the water sources might sputter or take a longer time to fill a container.


In constant pressure systems, according to the demand of water and to maintain constant pressure, the speed of the pump keeps s changing.

So for steady and continuous water flow, a constant pressure system maintains one pressure level instead of switching on and off on the basis of specific PSI values.


In a constant pressure system, according to higher demand, there is higher pump speed, and for lower demand, there is a lower pump speed.


The pump only runs when needed, and pressure is maintained efficiently. So because of this reason, a good constant pressure system like that of Franklin Electric can even work with smaller pressure tanks.


If the water supply source is from the municipal, water travels from the water tower through different lines to ultimately reach your home. Depending on how far your home is from the water tower or how maintained the lines are; the pressure of the water may differ.


Not only water pressure increases through a constant water system, in case of simultaneous demand from various water sources like faucets and sprinklers constant water pressure is maintained as well.


If you are interested in a constant pressure system please reach out to us at ‪(760) 440-8520.




How To Size A Pressure tank For Your System


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