Static Water Level Explained

In undisturbed or normal conditions, the depth of the water level in well is known as static water level. To get an accurate value, make sure that no pumping is done in the well for a few hours before measuring it.


There are several methods by which you can measure the static water level of your well. Some of these methods are:


·         Electric Water Level Sounder

Until a closed-circuit occurs, the water level sounder cable is let down in the well. The signal device tells when a closed circuit happens. The cable has a probe and sensor on one side of it, and when it reaches the water, the circuit closes.


·         Wetted Tape 

This method can be used when you have a rough idea of your well's depth. Since it is used for 90ft or lesser depth, this method is only suitable for shallow wells. A few feet of the steel measuring tape is coated at the end with carpenters chalk. Later a weight is attached to the end. Until the end of the tape reaches the water, the tape is lowered down. To align it with the foot marker at a surface level, lower the tape further down. Note down the reading in feet and take the tape out of the well. Also, note down the tape's length that was underwater. The static water level would be the difference between the two readings.


·         Air Line

Till about 20ft above the lowest expected water level, lower down a tube or pipe with a small diameter. To pump air into the line at the surface, connect the pressure gauge and a tire valve. Until you get the maximum reading, keep pumping the air.


The maximum reading denotes the pressure that the water column outside the airline applies. Using the conversion rate of 1 PSI = 2.31 ft, convert this pressure into feet. To get the water depth, from the airline's vertical length, deduct the pressure you converted to feet.


·         Bobber Method

Take a lightweight wire like that or kite string or fishing line and attach a small weight at one end. Approximately one inch above the weight, place a bobber. Lower down the end with the weight into the well casing by removing the well cap. When the bobber reaches the water level, the line will start drooping. At this point, at the top of the well case, make a line or mark. Take out the line from the well. The static water level of your well is the length from the marked line to the bobber. 


Note: Things that you introduce in your well might get stuck on the well's edges or pipe, so be careful about this.



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