What Pressure Should You Set You System Too? 30/50 or 40/60?

Which pressure setting is suitable for your system: 30/50 or 40/60 PSI


The pressure switch is one of the essential parts of the water system of a private well. Pump delivering the water to your home determines when to turn on or off based on this switch. Pump turns on when the water system's pressure reaches cut on pressure or the low pressure marked on the switch marked from before. Whereas when the pressure exceeds the maximum preset pressure, the pump turns off. Let's say if you have a 30/50 pump when the system's pressure drops to 30 PSI (pound-force per square inch), the pump turns on, and when the pressure reached 50 PSI pump turns off.


30/50 and 40/60 are the two most common pressure setting of a pump. It is entirely on the owner which pressure switch he opts for. Based on water pressure in different sections of your home, you might choose one of the two switches.


Even a 30/50 PSI can be enough if you just have one floor or the second floor that doesn't have any plumbing fixtures. But you might go for 40/60 PSI if you have two or more floors with plumbing fixtures installed. But Low-pressure setting has its pros that the plumbing lines and fixtures are not stressed upon, and supplying low pressure is easier for the pump. You should also keep in mind that the pressure tank needs to be reconfigured if you change the switch's settings.


If you have some queries related to your water system, please contact us at ‪(760) 440-8520‬.


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